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Texas Health Insurance Providers to Check Out!

Do You Need Texas Heath Insurance? If you are new to Texas, or new to shopping for health insurance, you should know that the regulations and even the insurers you can buy a policy from will differ by state. Sometimes they even differ by zip code or county. It is really important to note this if you came from another place, and you think you know how the game is played. You may find a whole different set of rules in the Texas health insurance market!It is also important to remember that your premiums will vary by where you live. The rates in Austin will be different than the rates in Houston or Dallas. Your choices will vary too. You sister in San Antonio may have great coverage from one company in San Antonio, but that company may not do business where you live in rural East Texas!US News and World Report published study of the top major medical companies in Texas. They used measures like how good of a job the insurer did at managing health conditions and preventative care. Just for reference, some of the top companies they suggested follow.Top 10 Texas Health Insurance Companies
Humana Health Care System of Texas (Austin, Tx)
CIGNA Healthcare of Texas
Scott and White Health Plan
AETNA Health – Texas
United HealthCare of Texas
Humana Health Care System of Texas (South)
Pacificare of Texas (Austin / Dallas)
Humana Health Plan of Texas (Houston)
Pacificare of Texas (San Antonio / Houston)
Missouri Health Plan of Missouri (Texas)Note that some of these plans are specific to a city or area. Also note that some may not be open to all people. This is just a guide for reference. To find the best Texas health insurance plan for a person like you, you must do some comparison shopping of the insurers in your own local area. Some of you may also be limited by the companies on your group plan at work.Texas High Risk Pool Texas has its own way of handling people with pre-existing conditions that cannot get accepted by a private insurer. This is called the Texas High Risk Pool. Not everybody will qualify, some people will have a waiting period, and premiums are pretty high. Also note that this is changing because of the new federal high risk pool that is being established because of health reform. To find out more about the Texas high risk pool, you can search for it on your favorite search engine. You will also find out more about the new federal high risk pool too.Low Income Texas Health Insurance Options If you cannot afford private major medical, you have some options. There is a federal and Texas state Medicaid program for people with very low income and few assets. The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIPS) helps kids and pregnant women who have low to moderate family incomes. There are also some county health systems that help people access health care on a sliding fee schedule.How To Find Texas Health Insurance It used to be a lot harder to find the right major medical plan. After all, Texas is a big state. There are lots of choices here. But the internet does make it a bit easier to compare and contact health insurance companies.